Saturday, 15 December 2012

Semester in Review

Just under three and a half years ago I began my university career. In the program in which I am currently enrolled, I have come into contact with some very incredible people who will be graduating in less than 4 months. As I attended a friend's recital this past week I found myself going on a long walk down memory lane where I realized how short a four year degree really is, and how much one can learn in such a little time. I then started to wonder when all of this learning happens and came up with the answer, that seems obvious, that it happens in every moment that we choose to be fully engaged in our education. This includes, but is not limited to, all of the morning classes that we chose not to skip, every lecture that we decided to listen to as opposed to go on Facebook or fall asleep during, every study session that we attended, addressing all of those mistakes that were made and taking responsibility of them in order to ensure that they wouldn't happen again, and largely in the way that we connect with other people. If we are engaged we learn.

I would like to take this time to share with you all a Prezi that I made to show what I have learned in my ICT class this past semester. 

Lesson of this course: I have learned that in all things that we do, we need to feel connected and supported in our explorations. This is so we are encouraged to continue our educational journeys past the end of the courses we take and into an ever changing, unpredictable, and bright future.


  1. Nice Prezi! You'll never go back to powerpoint again ;)
    I agree that connection is key while we are in class and beyond. Keep blogging and you'll be able to take Internet for Educators vicariously.

  2. Hahaha I would have to say that it was a tough decision between that course and math methods, however, I am looking forward to the vicarious learning!
