Sunday, 16 September 2012

The Journey Begins

For a long time I have been a consumer of the internet- using some of the various knowledge, resources, games, and communicative tools that the internet has to offer. However, this era of my cyberspace citizenship has come to an end. Today I cross the line from being consumer to contributor. Today is the day that I begin to put some of my own thoughts and resources out there for people to view, share, and adapt. 

I am currently enrolled in a course that will teach me how to use technology in order to enhance the learning in my future classrooms. One of the things that I get to do in this class is construct a blog as a central spot where I can group all of my resources. More importantly, this blog provides me with a place where I can reflect and evaluate all of things that I am learning about as I go through this course (and the many others that I find myself in). I am a very reflective person and greatly benefit from the act of writing about what I learn. Meaning that this blog will probably be one of my greatest places of personal learning. I only hope that my own learning can be beneficial to those of you who read my posts and follow me on my journey.



  1. Welcome! Excited to hear your thoughts and learn together.

  2. Thanks Mr. L! I'm excited too! Also, loved the pirate post!
